Monday 9 July 2012

Just doing a favour :)

My lovely friend Helen is selling a few bits and pieces on eBay. She has excellent style so go check out her listings. Got my eye on a couple of pieces ;)

Friday 22 June 2012

So, I used to use a lot a few years ago, before it got "big" I guess. I have NO idea what my old login was, so I created a new account!
I'm just getting to grips with the new layout of the site, it has a lot more features than when I used to use it, haha.
Anyway, my username is Staceyperrin, I thought I'd just keep it simple!

So now you can see all the weird and wonderful music I listen to, and maybe then, people will stop telling other people I'm depressed because of  my Facebook statuses... They'll realise that they are LYRICS from songs I am listening to -sigh-

Wednesday 20 June 2012

I am in the mood for sharing music.

I am the voice inside your head
(And I control you)
I am the lover in your bed(And I control you)
I am the sex that you deny
(And I control you)
I am the hate you try to hide
(And I control you)

I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down, I use you up
Mr Self-Destruct

And people wonder why I never talk.

In this place it seems such a shame
Though it all looks different now
I know it's still the same.
Everywhere I look you're all I see,
Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be.
You make this all go away,
You make this all go away,
I'm down to just one thing,
I'm starting to scare myself.

Saturday 16 June 2012

More songs I'm liking at the moment.

Dillinger Escape Plan - Black Bubblegum (thanks Kiam for making me download Ire Works!)

Nine Inch Nails - Somewhat Damaged Taste the wealth of hate in me.

Placebo - Running Up That Hill I know it's a cover but it's one of my favourite Placebo songs.

Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have SO. MANY. EMOTIONS. How does he do it? I would give anything to trade placed with TR's microphone.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Don't drink and drive.

Tomorrow would have been Ryan Dunn's 35th birthday, and next Wednesday is the one year anniversary of his death. Dunn was killed, along with his friend/Jackass crew member, Zachary Hartwell, in a car crash, caused by Dunn driving while drunk.
Dunn was always my favourite Jackass, and it still breaks my heart to watch Jackass or any of the spin-off series, knowing that he will never make another appearance. I still can't bring myself to watch the tribute video made by the Jackass crew.

Happy birthday Ryan!
We all miss you.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Top 5 songs.

I decided that since I haven't been able to get out and take pictures recently, I'd educate you with some awesome music!
I have quite a varied music taste, but I do tend to favour the heavier genres. These are five songs that I love at the moment (I'll start with the more mellow ones). I'm also going to put my favourite lyric from each song on here.

The Cure - Apart
I've not been listening to The Cure for long, but I really love this.
"How did we get so far apart, we used to be so close together".

The Rasmus - Smash 
The Rasmus before "In The Shadows". This song is from their 4th album Into (Finnish for "zeal" or "spirit") from 2001. I started listening to them when they released Dead Letters in 2003, and went a little bit mad and bought all their previous albums too! This song is one of my favourites from their more pop-rocky phase.
"I can't reach you and it's killing me"

Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
Trent Reznor is a fudging genius. This song was on the Avengers trailer! :D Lyrically, it's one of my favourite songs ever.

"Awake to the sound as they peel apart the skin, they pick and they pull, try to get their fingers in."
"As lost as I get, I will find you." / "You and me, even after everything, you're the Queen and I'm the King."

Rammstein - Ohne Dich (Without You)

 Okay so a love song from a German industrial metal band isn't going to be to everyone's tastes, but I think it's sweet!
"Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein" ("Without you, I cannot be")

Nine Inch Nails - Happiness In Slavery
Did you really think that NIN would only appear once? By far my favourite band ever. I have no idea what drugs Trent was on when he wrote this, or anything else for that matter. This music cannot come from a sober mind, it's just too ASDFGHJKL. There is no word to describe Nine Inch Nails. There is a song for every mood, every feeling, every person. I haven't put the actual music video on here because it is extremely... Adult. If you want to see it then YouTube it, but I will warn you now that it involves some sort of bizarre sadomasochism and male nudity.
"I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been. Human junk, just words and so much skin. Stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine, just some flesh caught in this big broken machine."

So there you have it. Five of my favourite songs at the moment. By next week, I will have played them so many times that I hate them and never want to hear them again! Next time I do this, I'll try to include some less obscure music (I don't consider any of this obscure, but a lot of people apparently do).

Wednesday 9 May 2012


I am a member of a Photography Forum which holds an annual Bluebell competition, so while I was away at the weekend I made sure to get lots of Bluebell pics.
I used both my Sigma 105mm f2.8 macro lens, and my new Nikkor 35mm f1.8 lens on my new Nikon D90. I won't tell you which 3 I picked as my final entries... Which is your favourite?

Oh and I had "help" from one of my nan's cats, Siouxsie :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012



Since my birthday on Friday, I have gained an extra £500 worth of gear. Barely touched it so far. I'm finding it really difficult to stay focused, so many things going on in my head and I just don't seem to have the motivation. The fact that it's poured down with rain almost non stop doesn't help either.

I really want to get back in to it, I want to take photos every day, GOOD photos, not just snapshots. I'd really like to earn some money from selling photos too, but have no idea how to go about it.

It would be amazing to have a home studio, but there is just not enough room, even with the spare bedroom. It's just too small, there is no clear wall space to use as a background!

There are lots of places I want to go, but I don't feel safe going out on my own with so much gear, and I feel horrible dragging people around with me when they're clearly not interested in photography at all. I tried to keep up with Friendship Vignettes, but as I said before I have so much going on in my head that I just don't even think about it most weeks, let alone develop an idea and get out to take the photo.

If you have any ideas of what I could photograph, just to get me going again, leave a comment!

Also, as a side note, I am selling my Nikon D80 and Nikkor 70-300mm AF lens. £300 together, or £240/£60 separately.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Farewell Doreen.

I bought Doreen on May 11th 2009. Back then, she was just a car. My first car. The car quickly developed a personality, and became Doreen. She was no longer an it, she was a she.

Doreen took me anywhere I needed to go, and she never failed me (well, maybe once or twice). She was my freedom.

She never once ran out of petrol, never broke down, and only tried to kill me (and Becky) once, but that was Becky's fault, she insulted poor Doreen, and she got upset, so to let us know how upset she was, she made one of her tyres blow up.

After three fun filled years, the time has come to say goodbye to Doreen. I never thought it was possible to become so emotionally attached to a car, but I feel like I have just given away my best friend!

So, farewell Doreen. I am terribly sorry for part exchanging you for another car! I don't know what your fate will be, you may be scrapped, and if so, I again am very sorry. But if by some chance you do get sold on to a new owner, please try not to kill them!

Monday 9 April 2012

New nail polish :)

I love the effect this new Magnetized nail polish creates. The polish contains very fine magnetic metal particles, and there is a magnet in part of the lid. You paint your nail, and while the polish is still wet, hover the magnet over it to create the effect.
I only have the green so far, so I am not sure if all of the colours create the same pattern or not, I know there are other brands out there and some of them create some really nice patterns, but they're a lot more expensive than the 17 range.

I got mine from Boots for £5.99 but you can also get it from a number of online retailers.

Perhaps this is something else I can add to my Birthday Wish List!

Thursday 2 February 2012

I fail so badly.

After one week of joining in with Friendship Vignettes, I pretty much gave up! :(
I did do a photo for the upside-down theme, but I left my camera in my car for like a week and kept forgetting to bring it in.
I have bought it in now, so here is my photos for last week's theme
Ta-da! Me doing a handstand at the top of our stairs... Safe.

Thursday 12 January 2012


I decided to join in with a photo blog thing that Maria does, called Friendship Vignettes. They post a new theme every week. This week is Metallic.
So, this is my photo for metallic. Not overly happy with it, ISO was up too high (didn't even both checking) so it's very grainy. Light is all wrong as I only have one lamp left because someone keeps stealing the light bulbs from them, and the main light in my room is awful. I hate energy saving light bulbs. If I have to choose between saving the planet, and having light, I choose light. Screw the planet.